
Terminator armor dawn of war 2
Terminator armor dawn of war 2

Which unit do you think is going to be sent into the base as a spotter? The icing on the cake is that once killed, the Necron Lord can be respawned where he died, all upgrades intact.

  • The Necron Lord is a strong melee unit that can teleport and can be equipped with, say, a regenerative ability that reduces ranged damage, the ability to turn himself and surrounding units invisible, can resurrect said units en masse, and can turn into a giant invincible god of death.
  • This works as well in multiplayer as it does in the campaign. Get one unit into the enemy base, teleport in all your Flayed Ones, and wail on the HQ. The Necron can instantly teleport up to five squads of Flayed Ones any place not covered by Fog of War.
  • In Dark Crusade, once you destroy an enemy HQ, they lose, regardless of any other units or buildings they have left.
  • terminator armor dawn of war 2

    The Necron Lord himself may be considered overpowered since when fully upgraded, he can temporarily turn himself into an invulnerable C'tan. They do not need requisition (the main resource of the game, Necrons will get a a boost to their build times instead when capturing strategic locations), the Necron Warriors are free (although they take a long time to build, and the more Warrior squads you have, the longer it takes to build them), as well as the resurrection ability (which means that destroyed units have a chance to come back to life, which can take the Necrons above the headcount limit).

    Terminator armor dawn of war 2